It’s OK to hurt


Justyn Rees Larcombe


I don’t think we can get through life without feeling pain at some stage. But it’s how we deal with it that matters. I dealt with it really badly and found an escape in online gambling. It started with a harmless £5 free bet, but over the course of three years, I had lost everything. My family, my job, my home, and my self-respect.

At times like these we can hide. We can pretend, push away those we love, or we can reach out, admit the problem and seek help.

The Recovery Course genuinely helped me to admit the problem and then it became something that could be dealt with. Surrounded by those in a similar situation, I didn’t feel condemned, I just felt loved.

I would encourage anyone who has any issue with mental health, compulsion, or addiction, to reach out and sign up for the next course. I truly believe that addiction is an illness of the soul. As humans, we are physical, emotional, and spiritual. I have seen firsthand, and experienced it in my own life, the way that Christ can come in and heal us. He healed me and this course is genuine, honest, and has helped so many people find restoration and happiness once more.”

“It started with a harmless £5 free bet, but over the course of three years, I had lost everything.”

The fall and rise of a gambling addict Justyn Rees Larcombe watch the TEDx talk | TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWells

Justyn Rees Larcombe

Having overcome an addiction to online gambling,  Justyn is now an author, public speaker and advisor on the issues of problem gambling and addiction and is a member of the Royal Society For Public Health Steering Committee on problem gambling. 


No going back


32 Years Clean