Welcome to The Recovery Course
About the course
The Recovery Course was written by Nigel Skelsey in 2007 whilst at Holy Trinity Brompton, a church in Central London. Over the 8 years that it ran there, around 2500 people went through the course, many of them finding lasting freedom from their addiction. The first-ever course was attended by 8 people, but 6 courses later around 120 were attending each week with all forms of addiction issues, ranging from Alcohol, Drugs and Gambling, Pornography, Gaming and Eating Disorders. Nigel has written a comprehensive course manual that builds on his years of experience running The Recovery Course. This course manual and supporting resources are available free of charge to any Church wishing to run a course once they have attended the training that is also provided free of charge by The Recovery Course leadership team.
What is The Recovery Course?
The Recovery Course is based on the 12-step programme of Alcoholics Anonymous, incorporating Christian principles, and designed solely for anyone seeking to break a dependence on an addiction. We welcome all onto our courses, regardless of ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Some do the course to intentionally invest in their recovery, others are looking to address more specific challenges. Either way, the course offers essential tools and practical ideas and support to help understand addiction and help people find lasting recovery.
The Recovery Course is all about becoming free of addiction, compulsive behaviours and secret habits.
Who is the course for?
The course is open to anyone struggling with any addiction or compulsive behaviour, including drugs, alcohol, gambling, Internet, sex, food, pornography, smoking, and self-harming.
What's involved?
The course runs for fifteen weeks and each session includes a teaching video and testimony, and quality time in single-sex groups to explore the twelve steps and gain knowledge and skills about addiction and how to beat it.
Contact us If you would like to find out more…
Want to make a difference?

“The Recovery Course has met me exactly where I am at and has been hugely helpful. My addiction is food, but I love how you deal with all addiction as having the same root cause.”