32 Years Clean


Susie Flashman Jarvis


As an ex-heroin addict with almost 32 years clean under my belt, I know the value of freedom. I also know the struggle that is involved on many levels. I suppose it can start with facing the denial that many addicts live with and then risking the belief that you could be free. I lived in denial for many years. One more hit doesn’t mean I am addicted. If I can go a day without, I must be fine.

The truth was that I was caught in a web that impacted my life in so many ways. Every day was planned around my need for the drug, it was my first and last thought each day. Even when in the midst of illegal living, promiscuous and self-absorbed I could not see the woods for the trees. I was unemployed, living on curry sauce and chips. Stick thin and had lost myself to the power of the drug.

I believe we all need to get to a low point to realise we can’t go any further and I reached mine. That story is found in my book. How was I saved? How did I find freedom and have my mind and body freed? Well, that was God. His power, his love, his provision. Now all these years later, I lead a women’s group on The Recovery Course. What a privilege!

These women, seeking freedom find a community of those struggling, just like them. Those trying to believe that freedom exists for them.

If you would dare to believe that you can be free too, why don’t you join us? A powerful movement of women on the march. Women who are changing themselves and the world around them.

“I could not see the woods for the trees. I was unemployed, living on curry sauce and chips. Stick thin and had lost myself to the power of the drug.”

Susie Flashman Jarvis

Susie is passionate about supporting people to, as she says, to get out of the way of themselves. Her story of addiction and recovery add depth to a robust, fearless, and relational working style. She is passionate about recovery and is a trustee for The Recovery Course.  She is accredited with the British association for counselling and psychotherapy. (BACP) And the European Mentoring & Coaching council (EMCC).


It’s OK to hurt