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We want you to save printer ink, so this is a printer-friendly version of the workbook

This excerpt from the Course Workbook introduces the initial sessions to help you become familiar with the course. It includes details of the first five sessions and outlines the first three steps.


  • Session 1: Introduction - To Change or Not To Change

  • Session 2: Out of Control     

  • Session 3: Powerless    

  • Session 4: New Order: When Will the Insanity Go?

  • Session 5: New Life or Old Life? Time To Choose    


  • Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over our addiction - that our lives had become unmanageable

  • Step 2: We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity

  • Step 3: We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God                                                         

What’s inside?

Download Your Guide Now!

Click the button below to get your leader’s guide.

We want you to save printer ink, so this is a printer-friendly version of the workbook

You will find all your need to take the next steps in establishing a course in the excerpt from the leader’s manual.


  • What is The Recovery Course?

  • The 12 Steps and Their Biblical Comparisons

  • 12 Step Fellowship Groups

  • Preparing to run a course

  • Preparing for each session

  • The Recovery Course session format

  • Prayer for Serenity/The Lord’s Prayer                                                        

What’s inside?

Explore all fifteen supporting course sessions and personal testimonies below. These resources provide valuable insights and experiences to enhance your understanding of the course material.

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Join our virtual training and learn to run The Recovery Course at your church. Whether new or experienced, this FREE online session is for you.

Can you help us make a difference?

Our vision is to equip and train as many churches as possible to run The Recovery Course, ensuring that individuals seeking addiction support can find the help they need within their local communities.

To do this, we rely on the gifts people generously give. These donations help us provide free resources, training, and support to churches so they are ready to run the course. If you are able to give, we deeply appreciate any contribution you can comfortably offer.

“The Recovery Course has met me exactly where I am at and has been hugely helpful.  My addiction is food, but I love how you deal with all addiction as having the same root cause.”
